the revolutionary solution to occupational back injuries

BACK-TRACK is proven, having been used since 2008 by some of the largest employers in the UK and Europe

Occupational back injuries are usually a top 3 health and safety issue for employers – in industrial, office and healthcare environments

The causes are not straightforward and as an employer, you have few options. There is no PPE for backs

Employers typically spend thousands of pounds every year on manual handling training and still, the issue is unresolved. So what do you do next?

Embrace innovation!

The BACK-TRACK solution is simple

A small wearable device that provides a discrete vibration alert if it detects a number of occupational risks, like poor lifting technique (Stooping), Twisting whilst lifting, Extended Leaning (common in some assembly operations and healthcare procedures), Jumping (eg. from a truck), Inactivity (important for office based roles when rehabilitating back pain). BACK-TRACK also detects Driving

All of these events are saved on the BACK-TRACK device

BACK-TRACK’s clients initially see changes in lifting behaviours and significant reductions in absence and injuries

TNT’s injury stats showed that employees wearing a BACK-TRACK device are three times less likely to experience a back, knee or ankle injury than employees that haven’t used BACK-TRACK

TNT’s working days lost were reduced by 62% in the year following BACK-TRACK’s introduction

And DHL’s facility in Daventry saw their Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) reduced from 0.92 to 0.52 in the year following BACK-TRACK’s introduction

The critical component of a successful BACK-TRACK programme is providing the motivation for an individual to modify their lifting behaviours - otherwise, why would they?

Manual handling training doesn’t provide this

The BACK-TRACK solution does. We provide an awareness programme so that your employees understand the long term effects of wear and tear. We provide two very brief videos that they can watch at any time, that explains the Why and the How of using BACK-TRACK. We provide information in as many formats as possible as we all absorb information differently

The result, less absence, fewer injuries, employees that feel appreciated, better business

You can demonstrate corporate responsibility by implementing best practice

You can demonstrate innovation to your clients

Everyone wins with BACK-TRACK - ask our clients (we mean this)

The V3 Enterprise solution uses a docking station to charge the devices and upload data

BACK-TRACK V3 Enterprise is really simple to implement

It’s a plug and play solution

No administation

10 minutes of training for users

Automated reports advising who needs additional support

BACK-TRACK’s automated reporting system lets you know who may be at elevated risk of injury

BACK-TRACK Solo is for those experiencing back pain and you want to help them return to normal duties, whether in an industrial, office or healthcare environment

BACK-TRACK Solo is perfect for Occupational Health providers who can remotely support an individual’s rehabilitation

The BACK-TRACK Solo uploads data via bluetooth using a BACK-TRACK App. which allows both the wearer and the OH professional to see the collected data

With this data, a more useful conversation can be had and the return to normal duties is hastened

“After coming back to work after a slipped disc, I wore a BACK-TRACK device to help me monitor my handling techniques as my duties returned to normal.

I found that using BACK-TRACK improved my safety regarding my back when bending down during my daily tasks at work. I feel if I wasn't wearing the BACK-TRACK, I would have been slower to recover”

- BACK-TRACK customer employee

The BACK-TRACK App Home screen provides an overview of the day’s data

The user can click on each dial for more detail

It shows trends and tracks progress with reducing harmful ways of moving - important when recovering from back pain

BACK-TRACK also detects things like Jumping and Driving - important reminders for delivery drivers - Jumping from a tail-lift repeatedly can damage knees and ankles over time

A daily back care tip (specific to your organisation), provides additional support and awareness of back injury risk factors  

Getting started with BACK-TRACK

Implementing BACK-TRACK is easy

We send you a Comms kit to prepare the ground

We deliver and test the hardware

We send an SOP template so you can formalise the process (BACK-TRACK is not a project - it becomes part of the process, mitigating MSD risks)

We show you the basics

You get started immediatley and start collecting data

We set up a call and answer your questions, discuss the data, go through a few more functions

You collect more data, we look at it together, we see behaviours beginning to change, we identify who needs some support, we discuss what is the process for feeding back data to users, we discuss our 1:1 feedback template so you have a consistent process

You collect more data, we have a call, you know what you’re doing - you don’t really need us….

We watch how it’s going, we call you sometimes

We invite you the client best-practice forum

We ask if we can write a case study, we ask you to share your experience with potential clients

We work together to ensure you’re getting what you need

One last thing, BACK-TRACK features on the HSE’s YouTube channel !